Guide version 3 Go to
this link
Step 1:
Miner Software
Linux Users follow
these instructions
Windows Users extract the
zip file. The extracted file
can be placed anywhere.
Mac Users will
have to compile.
Step 2: Install
Miner Software
Step 3: Initialize
Miner Software
Connect to Admin Node
multichaind base_chain@ -daemon
Ask Admin node for permissions (send email to or
DM on Twitter to @lubunproject)
***Twitter Handle,
***Include miner address and
***Terra Classic wallet address for rewards
Use the terminal (any location works as the files were copied to /usr/local/bin)
Open commandline by typing cmd”
into the address bar of the folder
containing the miner.
Linux & Windows
Example after running
commands above
Step 4: Connect
to the
You will be able to connect once the Admin grants you mining permissions.
Connect using the following (Linux):
multichaind base_chain@ –daemon
Connect using the following (Windows):
multichaind base_chain@
Linux & Windows
Example after running
commands above
Windows uses will have to open another commandline to interact with the
miner software. (Windows does not support interactive mode)
Windows Users
Linux Users
Enter Interactive mode:
multichain-cli base_chain
Make sure ports 2918
and 2919 are open on
your firewall
Step 5A: Interact with
the blockchain via web
Go to the following url for the blockchain explorer:
Linux & Windows
This is the count of
all blocks won by
each miner.
Mining Rewards calculation:
Reward = 20 BASE Tokens * # blocks won
(in the above example the Reward = 20 * 13 = 260 BASE Tokens)
Click here to see list
of miners
Click here to see
how many blocks
the miners won
Awards Payout (On Fridays):
1) Miners must send the entire balance of blocks won to the Miner Admin
Example command is: send 1QPr7eAwA4LwBSyBc8zQ2JWn3gTngaZP5UQHJZ 13
***This will reset your balance to zero to start of the new week
***Miners that fail to send in the entire balance will have miner permissions removed
2) The Miner Admin will send the reward BASE tokens to the Terra Classic wallet
3) BASE tokens can be swapped for LUNC or held in wallet until BASE’s price is higher
Step 5B: Interact with
the blockchain via
command line
Get your miner address:
Linux: getaddresses
Windows: multichain-cli base_chain getaddresses
List last 5 blocks:
Linux: listblocks -5
Windows: multichain-cli base_chain listblocks -5
Check miner permission:
Linux: verifypermission <node address> mine
Windows: multichain-cli base_chain verifypermission <node address> mine
Check how many blocks you’ve won:
Linux: getaddressbalances <node address>
Windows: multichain-cli base_chain getaddressbalances <node address>
Linux & Windows
This means you
have won 6 blocks.
Mining Rewards calculation:
Reward = 20 BASE Tokens * # blocks won
(in the above example the Reward = 20 * 6 = 120 BASE Tokens)
Other common commands:
Awards Payout (On Fridays):
1) Miners must send the entire balance of blocks won to the Miner Admin
Example command is: send 1QPr7eAwA4LwBSyBc8zQ2JWn3gTngaZP5UQHJZ 6
***This will reset your balance to zero to start of the new week
***Miners that fail to send in the entire balance will have miner permissions removed
2) The Miner Admin will send the reward BASE tokens to the Terra Classic wallet
3) BASE tokens can be swapped for LUNC or held in wallet until BASE’s price is higher
getblock <number>
pause mining
resume mining
References (Whitepapers):
BASE_Whitepaper_TerraClassic_v01.pdf (
References (Other)
Q) How is it possible that the miners are so low power?
A) the miners take turns doing the work to confirm blocks. They are using a
round-robin system instead of wasting energy working against each other.
Q) Will the mining reward ever change?
A) The rewards are paid by the developer (self-funded).If the rewards get too
expensive, the rewards may be reduced to stay on budget.
Q) When are rewards paid?
A) Rewards will be paid on Fridays. They are BASE Tokens that can be swapped
for LUNC on the BASE dApp.
Q) How are rewards paid?
A) Miners will send the coins (1 coin = 1 block won) to the Admin’s wallet. The
Admin will then send the BASE rewards to the miners Terra Classic wallet.
Q) What is the benefit of holding BASE tokens and swapping in the future?
A) BASE works on a Bonding curve, so a higher supply equals a higher price.
Q) What happens if I stop mining?
A) Inactive miners will have their mining permissions removed. Someone else
will then be selected to mine.
Q) I’m having trouble getting this to work. How do I get help?
A) Contact the LBUN Project via twitter (@lbunproject) or email
( Also, take a look at the Multichain website.